Saturday 16 January 2016

Rev. Fr. Mbaka Transferred, Left Without a Parish

According to reports reaching us, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka has been transferred from his Parish “Christ The King Parish GRA Enugu” and left without a Parish. The controversial Priest was reportedly given residence at Our Lady Of The Rosary Parish Emene Enugu, 2km away from his Adoration Ministry but not as a Parish Priest.The decision to remove Mbaka is aimed at checkmating his activities which is generating unpleasant wave within the body of Christ and the nation at large.

Rev. Fr. Joseph Offor, the director of social communications of the Diocese, said that there would be general posting and re-posting of priests this year. He added that the Diocese embarks on postings of priests every six years.

“The bishop decides who should be posted where; it has nothing to do with a particular individual. It is a routine practice which is done every six years,” he said. This development means that Fr. Mbaka has no Parish again and his weekly Wednesday program “Inodey Again” will not be conducted at Christ The King Parish but probably at Adoration Ministry, Umuchigbo Nike Enugu.Rev.

Fr. Ejike Camillus Anthony, Ebenezer Mbaka is a Catholic Priest of Enugu Dioceses. He is the Parish Priest of Christ the King Parish GRA Enugu and the founder and Spiritual Director of Adoration Ministries Enugu Nigeria (Amen). Father Mbaka is by birth from the noble family of late Chief Humphrey Ogbuefi and Felicia Mbaka in Amata Ituku in Awgu L.G.A of Enugu State. Ogbuefi Mbaka’s family is renowned for their special talent in palm wine tapping in the community (Ituku). Being the only son of the parents his birth was greeted with full encomium and thanksgiving to God.

This Special gift to Mbaka Family was named Ejike perhaps in realizaFon of the fact all powers belong to God including that of sex determination.With the arrival of the new born, his father late Pa Ogbuefi heaved a sigh of relief that at last his successor has arrived. Little did he know that his little infant prodigy had a different covenant with his creator. Right from infancy, the tiny Mbaka, though fully consumed by his domestic chores, still spared enough time to commune with God. He assisted the beloved mother in the kitchen and other domestic duties, accompanied his father to their famous business of wine tapping and ensuring that all that was tapped was sold except the one reserved to entertain their daily visitors.

In 1995, precisely on July 29th, Rev. Ejike Mbaka was ordained a priest of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek. This historic event marked the triumph of light over darkness to the glory of God. Instantly, the Catholic Church in Nigeria knew that the eagle has landed. The young Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka was posted to the Holy Ghost Cathedral, the headquarters of Catholic Church in Enugu Diocese as the Assistant Diocesan Administration. He not only distinguished himself as a seasoned administrator but also gave the church in Enugu diocese the long desired apostolic spice and fillip to forge ahead. This was a welcome response to the church longed for radical shift from the business as usual ways of doing things and celebrating the Eucharist for her people. This request was duly answered by the arrival of this budding priest as the anointing in him overflew and lubricated all that came in contact with him. People discovered something very special in this young priest and followed him to wherever he went. His office hours at the cathedral expectedly became a beehive of activities as the crowd continually besieged him with one spiritual problem or the other. With this yearning, this young man who feels the pulse of his people started exposing the Blessed Sacrament so as to enable the people pray and receive answers to their requests. He later discovered the need to embark on evangelical missions outside the cathedral with a bid to reaching out to more people. Such moves took him to Capuchin and G.T.C Enugu where he celebrated masses for the congregation. It was at G.T.C that the idea of having adoration to the Eucharistic Jesus was conceived; hence, the birth of Adoration Ministries Enugu Nigeria (AMEN). It was previously called Word Prayer Centre of the Eucharistic Jesus. Just like the biblical mustard seed, the ministry has grown beyond the little G.T.C hall prayer activities to a global assembly of people of God

A great achiever who believes that nothing is impossible with God. Attains unimaginable heights once his mind is made up, very focused and always destination driven. Always an optimist. A celebrated musician and lover of music. Plays original, highly inspirational, creative soul-lifting, librating, sanctifying and prayer focused. In fact once he is at peace, in good mood and inspired you find him chumming out new songs. Most of his songs usually originated while he is sleeping. Has so many albums to his credit and variously honoured by Performing Musicians Association of Nigeria (PIMAN).Indomitably energetic. Rev. Fr. Mbaka is hugely blessed with power and energy such that he can talk and work for hours without getting tired. A lover of the word of God. He will readily tell you that his secret lies in the Eucharist and the ever abiding word of God. Hence, he is so familiar with most chapters and verses in the bible such that he can reel them out at will.Keeps to his words. Very frank, truthful, genuine and honest. Detest falsehood. His yes is his yes. Hates gossip! Serious and humorous. Can crack jokes and bring himself to the level of all. Hates injustices. Fights for the poor and oppressed in the society. Wicked and corrupt leadership disgusts him so much that he wastes no time in fighting and correcting such maladministration. This perhaps informs the ill-informed opinion of those who accuse him of fighting the government.

Fr. Mbaka only fights bad and vicious administrations because the problems created by such misrule normally fall back on him. The poor, the unemployed, the oppressed etc will still run to him for one assistance or the other.Preaches vehemently against equating him with God or giving him the glory that belongs to God (Hyperdulia). In fact he does not tolerate that at all. That is why he always directs people to the Eucharist once they start pestering him. He makes it clear that he has no power of his own other than that from GodIt is thus not out of place to describe this man as a genius and an enigma. Humble and meek as a dove but hold and vibrant like a lion. He is simply a special gift from God to Catholic Church world over.Little wonder also why Adoration Ministries Enugu Nigeria (AMEN) has blossomed and flourished by leaps and bounds under his leaderships, direction, guidance and mentoring.

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